A InOut
holds the value of an input or output of the IAS. Objects of this type constitutes both the input of ASCEs and the output they produce. They are supposed to live into a ASCE only: their representation in the BSDB is the IASValue[_].
The type of a InOut can be a double, an integer, an array of integers and many other customized types.
The actual value is an Option because there is no value associated before it comes for example from the HW. Nevertheless the InOut
If the InOut is the input of a ASCE, it has the validity received from the IASValue in the fromIasValueValidity. Otherwise the validity depends on the validity of the inputs to the ASCE and is stored in fromInputsValidity. At any time, only one Option between fromIasValueValidity and fromInputsValidity must be defined: this invariant, can also used to recognize if a InoOut is an output of the ACSE.
Value parameters
- convertedProductionTStamp
The point in time when the converter generated the value from the data structure rceived by the plugin
- fromIasValueValidity
: The validity received from the BSDB (i.e. from a IASValue) It is None if and only if the value is generated by ASCE and in that case fromInputsValidity is defined
- fromInputsValidity
the validity inherited by the inputs It is defined only for the outputs of an ASCE and in that case fromIasValueValidity must be None
- iasType:
is the IAS type of this InOut
- id
: The unique ID of the monitor point
- idsOfDependants
the identifiers of the dependent monitor points i.e. the identifier of the inputs if this InOut represents a output empty otherwise
- mode
: The operational mode
- productionTStamp
The point in time when the value of the InOut has been produced by a plugin, a DASU or a core tool
- props
additional properties if any, otherwise empty
- readFromBsdbTStamp
The point in time when the value has been read from the BSDB
- readFromMonSysTStamp:
The point in time when the value has been read from the monitored system (set by the plugin only)
- receivedFromPluginTStamp
The point in time when the converter received the value from the plugin
- sentToBsdbTStamp
The point in time when the value has been sent to the BSDB
- sentToConverterTStamp
The point in time when the plugin sent the value to the converter
- validityConstraint
allows the ASCEs and the DASUs to restrict the evaluation of the validity to a subset of inputs As the IASValue read from the BSDB have no inputs, validityConstraint is defined only when fromInputsValidity is defined but not the other way around
- value
: the value of this InOut (can be empty)
- See also
isOutput() A IASIO can be produced by a plugin, by a DASU or a core tool; independently of the toll that generated the value, the timestamp is saved in the productionTStamp. The tool that generated the value can be identified by the recursive Identifier of the inOut. A property of the InOut contains the list of the dependent monitor points. Only an output can have dependent monitor points i.e. the InOut in input to the DASu that are needed to produce the ouput. The InOut in input have an empty set of dependant monitor points.
is immutable.IASType
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any