Members list
Type members
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
class CommandManagerclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Companion object
Companion object
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A mockup of the DASUs to run in the Supervisor without the complexity of DASUs and ASCEs
A mockup of the DASUs to run in the Supervisor without the complexity of DASUs and ASCEs
Value parameters
- dasuDao
the DASU configuration
- inputSubscriber
the subscriber getting events to be processed
- outputPublisher
the publisher to send the output
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Supertypes
class AnyFlatSpectrait AnyFlatSpecLiketrait Documentingtrait Alertingtrait Notifyingtrait Informingtrait CanVerbtrait MustVerbtrait ShouldVerbtrait TestRegistrationtrait TestSuitetrait Suitetrait Serializabletrait Assertionstrait TripleEqualstrait TripleEqualsSupportclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Test the Supervisor connected to the kafka BSDB.
Test the Supervisor connected to the kafka BSDB.
Note that supervisor, IASIOs producer and consumer are created once at the beginning of the test and reused along the different tests
The configuration of this Supervisor is in the JSON CDB.
The supervisor runs 2 DASU with one ASCE each and checks the generation of the outputs by its DASUs and their ASCEs when some input is read from the kafka topic.
This test is meant to check the loop only so each DASU has only one ASCE that run the MinMaxTF against one input only. This way the CDB is simple.
The test
- runs the supervisor
- run a producer of IASIOs in the BSDB (iasiosProducer): this is to submit IASIOs to the Supervisor as if they have been produced by DASU or plugins
- run a IASIOs consumer (iasiosConsumer) that listen to all the IASIOs written in the BDSB i.e. those published by the producer and those published by the DASUs running in the Supervisor
The test submit some IASIOs and checks what is published in the BSDB.
- Supertypes
trait BeforeAndAftertrait BeforeAndAfterAlltrait SuiteMixinclass AnyFlatSpectrait AnyFlatSpecLiketrait Documentingtrait Alertingtrait Notifyingtrait Informingtrait CanVerbtrait MustVerbtrait ShouldVerbtrait TestRegistrationtrait TestSuitetrait Suitetrait Serializabletrait Assertionstrait TripleEqualstrait TripleEqualsSupportclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
- Supertypes
class AnyFlatSpectrait AnyFlatSpecLiketrait Documentingtrait Alertingtrait Notifyingtrait Informingtrait CanVerbtrait MustVerbtrait ShouldVerbtrait TestRegistrationtrait TestSuitetrait Suitetrait Serializabletrait Assertionstrait TripleEqualstrait TripleEqualsSupportclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
This test checks if the the TF running in a templated ASCE is able to get the inputs by their IDs by calling getValue.
This test checks if the the TF running in a templated ASCE is able to get the inputs by their IDs by calling getValue.
It instantiates a templated DASU with one ASCE that has 2 inputs of type Long plus 2 inputs of type alarm. The TF simes the values of the longs plus 2 and 1 for the alarms. One input is from a non templated input, other one one is templated annd the alarms are templated input instances. The TF gets the values of the inputs by calling getEval and not directly accessing the map. getEval must recognize the templated and not templated parameters. For templated parameters, getValue must take into account the instance of the DASU/ASCE and the instance of templated inputs instances.
The test instantiates the DASU with the ASCE and send the inputs. Finally, it checks the output.
The test, instantiates a real DASU and ASCE i.e. no mock used here.
The configuration is read from test/CDB: Supervisor: SupervisorToTestInputs Template: TemplToTestInputs DASU: DasuToTestInputs ASCE: AsceToTestInputs Inputs: Templated: TemplatedId (Long) Non Templated: NonTemplatedId (Long) Output: TemplatedOutId (Long)
- Supertypes
class AnyFlatSpectrait AnyFlatSpecLiketrait Documentingtrait Alertingtrait Notifyingtrait Informingtrait CanVerbtrait MustVerbtrait ShouldVerbtrait TestRegistrationtrait TestSuitetrait Suitetrait Serializabletrait Assertionstrait TripleEqualstrait TripleEqualsSupportclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Test the execution of the ACK command in the Supervisor.
Test the execution of the ACK command in the Supervisor.
The test:
- run the SupervisorWithKafka supervisor as an external process
- set, clear and ack alarms produced by the DASUs of the supervisor by sending inputs and commands
- checks if the commands have been executed by checking the replies to the commands sent by the supervisor
- check if the IASIOS have been effectively set/cleared
The ACK command is sent using the CommandSender.
The tests waits for a certain time (greater than the auto refresh time interval) to be sure that the supervisor emits the alarms i.e. there is no other synchronization mechanism than waiting for a resonable time before getting the alarms
- Supertypes
trait IasioListenertrait BeforeAndAfterEachtrait BeforeAndAfterAlltrait SuiteMixinclass AnyFlatSpectrait AnyFlatSpecLiketrait Documentingtrait Alertingtrait Notifyingtrait Informingtrait CanVerbtrait MustVerbtrait ShouldVerbtrait TestRegistrationtrait TestSuitetrait Suitetrait Serializabletrait Assertionstrait TripleEqualstrait TripleEqualsSupportclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Test the functioning of the Supervisor when the TF changed and the TF_CHANGED command arrives.
Test the functioning of the Supervisor when the TF changed and the TF_CHANGED command arrives.
This test implicitly checks the restarting of the Supervisor.
This test sends command to the Supervisor using the CommandSender, listens to IASIOs produced by the Supervisor and sends inputs (IASIOs) to the Supervisor.
Functioning of the test:
- starts the SupervisorToRestart supervisor java process
- listen to IASIOs produced by the Supervisor
- change the TF in the CDB without affecting the Supervisor and send TF_CHANGED command => the Supervisor must not restart
- change the TF in the CDB used by the Supervisor and send the TF_CHANGED command => the Supervisor must restart and use the new TF
- terminate the Supervisor with a SHUTDOWN command
To check if the restarted Supervisor is using the new TF, this test sends a set of inputs and checks if the output produced by the Supervisor matches with the algorithm of the used TF.
- Supertypes
trait IasioListenertrait BeforeAndAftertrait BeforeAndAfterAlltrait SuiteMixinclass AnyFlatSpectrait AnyFlatSpecLiketrait Documentingtrait Alertingtrait Notifyingtrait Informingtrait CanVerbtrait MustVerbtrait ShouldVerbtrait TestRegistrationtrait TestSuitetrait Suitetrait Serializabletrait Assertionstrait TripleEqualstrait TripleEqualsSupportclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all