See theIasMonitor companion object
class IasMonitor(val kafkaBrokers: String, val identifier: String, pluginIds: Set[String], converterIds: Set[String], clientIds: Set[String], sinkIds: Set[String], supervisorIds: Set[String], kafkaConenctorConfigs: Set[KafkaSinkConnectorConfig], coreToolsIds: Set[String], threshold: Long, val refreshRate: Long, val hbFrequency: Long) extends AutoCloseable
Monitor the state of the IAS and sends alarms
In this version, alarms are pushed in the core topic and will be read from there by the web server.
TODO: send alarms (al least some of them) to the web server even when kafka is down
Value parameters
- clientIds
The IDs of the clients to monitor
- converterIds
The IDs of the converters to monitor
- coreToolsIds
The IDs of the core tools to monitor
- identifier
The identifier of the monitor tool
- kafkaBrokers
Kafka brokers
- kafkaConenctorConfigs
The IDs of the kafka sink connectors to monitor
- pluginIds
The IDs of the plugins to monitor
- refreshRate
the refresh rate (seconds) to send alarms produced by the monitor
- sinkIds
The IDs of the sink clients to monitor
- supervisorIds
The IDs of the supervisors to monitor
- threshold
The threshold to decide when a HB is too late
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait AutoCloseableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Members list
In this article