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class AckTest extends AnyFlatSpec, OutputListener, BeforeAndAfterEach

Test the ACK of an alarm produced by a DASU.

Test the ACK of an alarm produced by a DASU.

It uses a CDB with one DASU (ACKDASU) and three ASCEs:

  • ASCE ACKASCE1: runs a MinMaxThreshold and get one input ACKASCE1-INPUT and output ACKASCE1-OUTPUT
  • ASCE ACKASCE2: runs a MinMaxThreshold and get one input ACKASCE2-INPUT and output ACKASCE2-OUTPUT
  • ASCE ACKASCE3: runs a Multiplicity TF and gets in input the alarms produced by ACKASCE1 and ACKASCE2 and produces the output ACKDASU3-Output


trait BeforeAndAfterEach
trait SuiteMixin
class AnyFlatSpec
trait AnyFlatSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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class CheckDasuOutputTimestamps extends AnyFlatSpec, BeforeAndAfter

Checks the timestamps of the output produced by a DASU when inputs change and when the auto-refresh is in place.

Checks the timestamps of the output produced by a DASU when inputs change and when the auto-refresh is in place.

The test uses the DasuWithOneASCE DASU defined in the CDB by submitting inputs and checking the fields of output published (or not published) by the DASU.


See also
trait BeforeAndAfter
trait SuiteMixin
class AnyFlatSpec
trait AnyFlatSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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class Dasu7ASCEsTest extends AnyFlatSpec

Test the DASU with 7 ASCEs (in 3 levels). There is no special meaning between connections as this is a test to check if the flow of inputs and outputs is handled correctly. However this also shows a way to reuse transfer functions (multiplicity and threshold are part of the ComputingElement) plus a user defined one, the AverageTempsTF. In a real case we probably do not want to have so many ASCEs but it is perfectly allowed.

Test the DASU with 7 ASCEs (in 3 levels). There is no special meaning between connections as this is a test to check if the flow of inputs and outputs is handled correctly. However this also shows a way to reuse transfer functions (multiplicity and threshold are part of the ComputingElement) plus a user defined one, the AverageTempsTF. In a real case we probably do not want to have so many ASCEs but it is perfectly allowed.

The logs of the test show the topology of the ASCEs of this test. At the bottom level, there is one ASCE, that takes all the for temperatures and returns their average values. This is just to provide an example of a synthetic parameter. At the middle there are 5 ASCEs that get a temperature and check it against the a threshold to generate alarms. One of such temperatures is the average produced at level 1. All 5 alarms produced by the ASCEs are sent in input to the last ASCE_AlarmsThreshold, in the second and last level: this ASCE applies the multiplicity with a threshold of 3

The DASU takes in input 4 temperatures, calculates their average and produces an alarm if at least three of them are out of the nominal range.

The configurations of DASU, ASCE, TF and IASIOs are all stored in the CDB folder.


class AnyFlatSpec
trait AnyFlatSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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class DasuOneASCETest extends AnyFlatSpec, BeforeAndAfter

Test the DASU with one ASCE and the MinMaxThreshold TF.

Test the DASU with one ASCE and the MinMaxThreshold TF.

Being a simple case, this test will do some basic tests.

The configurations of DASU, ASCE, TF and IASIOs are all stored in the CDB folder.


trait BeforeAndAfter
trait SuiteMixin
class AnyFlatSpec
trait AnyFlatSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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class DasuOneAsceCommon(autoRefreshTimeInterval: Integer, validityThreshold: Integer) extends OutputListener

Setup the DASU with one ASCE as it is reused by more than one test

Setup the DASU with one ASCE as it is reused by more than one test

Value parameters


The auto-refresh time (msec) to pass to the DASU


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class DasuWithKafkaPubSubTest extends AnyFlatSpec, KafkaConsumerListener, BeforeAndAfterAll

Test if the DASU is capable to get events from the IASIO kafka queue and publish the result in the same queue.

Test if the DASU is capable to get events from the IASIO kafka queue and publish the result in the same queue.

The test re-use the simple dasu with only one ASCE.

The DASU has a kafka consumer to get events and a kafka producer to publish the generated output. To check if it works, the test instantiates one kafka producer to submit inputs to the DASU and one consumer to catch if the output produced by the DASU has been pushed in the kafka queue


trait BeforeAndAfterAll
trait SuiteMixin
trait KafkaConsumerListener
class AnyFlatSpec
trait AnyFlatSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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class JsonPublisherTest extends AnyFlatSpec

Test the writing of the output of the DASU in a JSON file.

Test the writing of the output of the DASU in a JSON file.


class AnyFlatSpec
trait AnyFlatSpecLike
trait Documenting
trait Alerting
trait Notifying
trait Informing
trait CanVerb
trait MustVerb
trait ShouldVerb
trait TestRegistration
trait TestSuite
trait Suite
trait Serializable
trait Assertions
trait TripleEquals
trait TripleEqualsSupport
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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