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The AntPadInhibitor transfer functions gets 2 inputs:
The AntPadInhibitor transfer functions gets 2 inputs:
- the association of antennas to pads (string)
- an ALARM It inhibits the alarm if there are no antennas in the pads whose names match with the given pattern. It is also possible to add a filter by antenna type by setting antTypePropName to one of the possible antenna types: the alarm in output is set if the alarm in input is set AND there are antennas in the pads AND at least one antenna of the passed type.
No check is done on the ID of the alarm in input. The TF produces an alarm that is always CLEAR if there are no antennas in the pads or the alarm in input is CLEAR. If the input is SET and there are antennas in the PAD, the output is set with the same priority of the alarm in input.
The association of antennas to pad is a monitor point that contains all the antennas and the names of the relative pads where they seat. The matching is done by a regular expression provided as a java property.
This is an example of the value (string) of the Array-AntennasToPads, the monitor points that contains the pads of all the antennas: DV01:A045,DV02:A025,...
- Companion
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class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Sometimes a monitor point has a backup to be used in case of failure getting the value of the main implementation. The backup can be retrieved from a different device (for example a backup pressure sensor) or from a different way to get the value from the hardware (for example one that involves the network and another one by reading a database where the value is also stored)
Sometimes a monitor point has a backup to be used in case of failure getting the value of the main implementation. The backup can be retrieved from a different device (for example a backup pressure sensor) or from a different way to get the value from the hardware (for example one that involves the network and another one by reading a database where the value is also stored)
BackupSelector picks up the best option among the inputs i.e. if the main value is operational and reliable then return this value otherwise check if the first backup is operational and valid and return this one otherwise checks the second backup and so on.
BackupSelector does not do any computation on the value but returns the first operational and valid input among the main and the backups.
If none of the inputs is operational and valid, BackupSelector returns the first option.
The order of preference must be passed as a java property of comma separated list of ids of monitor points like "T1Main, T1Backup1, T1Backup2"
The list of IDs passed with the SelectionPriorityPropName property must match with the IDs of the inputs processed by the eval method.
RelocationSelector is very similar to this TF but copes with relocation instead of replication.
Value parameters
- asceId:
the ID of the ASCE
- asceRunningId:
the runningID of the ASCE
- props:
the user defined properties
- validityTimeFrame:
The time frame (msec) to invalidate monitor points
- See also
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The exception thrown by this TF in case of malfunctions
The exception thrown by this TF in case of malfunctions
- Supertypes
class Exceptionclass Throwabletrait Serializableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
This transfer function generates an alarm depending on the value of the boolean in input: if the value of the input is TRUE then it sets the alarm in output, otherwise clears the alarm.
This transfer function generates an alarm depending on the value of the boolean in input: if the value of the input is TRUE then it sets the alarm in output, otherwise clears the alarm.
To invert the logic (i.e. generate an alarm when the boolean is False), set the BoolToAlarm.InvertLogicPropName property to true
Value parameters
- cEleId:
The id of the ASCE
- cEleRunningId:
the running ID of the ASCE
- props:
The properties for the executor
- validityTimeFrame:
The time frame (msec) to invalidate monitor points
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
DelayedAlarm processes the alarm input and produces another alarm if the alarm in input remains steady active for a given amount of time. In the same way, the produced alarm is cleared if the input stays steady cleared for a given amount of time.
DelayedAlarm processes the alarm input and produces another alarm if the alarm in input remains steady active for a given amount of time. In the same way, the produced alarm is cleared if the input stays steady cleared for a given amount of time.
There is no default value for the delays: if they are not provided the TF will throw an exception.
The actual implementation of the TF does not allow a ASCE to run a TF at a given time rate or after a delay elapsed. This method does its best but will not be precise. Issue #84 of the IAS core is about this problem. The best way to get the alarm close to the required time frame is to tune the refresh rate of the Supervisor where this TF is executed.
Value parameters
- cEleId:
the ID of the ASCE
- cEleRunningId:
the runningID of the ASCE
- props:
the user defined properties
- validityTimeFrame:
The time frame (msec) to invalidate monitor points
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The exception thrown by this TF in case of malfunctions
The exception thrown by this TF in case of malfunctions
- Supertypes
class Exceptionclass Throwabletrait Serializableclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
A TF to generate alarms if the value of the input (STRING) matches with the passed regular expression
A TF to generate alarms if the value of the input (STRING) matches with the passed regular expression
Value parameters
- cEleId:
The id of the ASCE
- cEleRunningId:
the running ID of the ASCE
- props:
The properties for the executor
- validityTimeFrame:
The time frame (msec) to invalidate monitor points
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
A TF very similar to BackupSelector but that does not take into account the operational state of the inputs as it copes with relocation instead of duplication for which only the validity is to be considered.
A TF very similar to BackupSelector but that does not take into account the operational state of the inputs as it copes with relocation instead of duplication for which only the validity is to be considered.
One and only one input is expected to be valid at a given point in time.
The TF expects at least 2 inputs, each of which represent one of the possible place of relocation. None of the inputs is more important than the others. The TF does not make any assumption of the type of the inputs neither on thier values because they are not relevant. For consistency as all the inputs refer to the same monitor point, it is reasonable to expect that all of them have the same type regardless of what it is.
BackupSelector aims to select one input that is produced by replicated plugins that monitors the same device with different meanings so that if one fails, one of the other provides the information. RelocationSelector instead aims to select one input that is produce by only one of the inputs for example as consequence of relocation. The difference with BackupSelector is that one and only one input is expected to be valid at a given point in time.
Value parameters
- cEleId:
The id of the ASCE
- cEleRunningId:
the running ID of the ASCE
- props:
The properties for the executor
- validityTimeFrame:
The time frame (msec) to invalidate monitor points
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
This class is very similar to the BackupSelector but in case of a failure instead of the main monitor points checks if any of the others is over (or below) the thresholds to generate an alarm.
This class is very similar to the BackupSelector but in case of a failure instead of the main monitor points checks if any of the others is over (or below) the thresholds to generate an alarm.
Monitor points in inputs are assumed to be numeric and for the calculation are all converted to double.
Thresholds are defined in the same way they are defined in the MinMaxThresholdTF.
It is optionally possible to set a activation and deactivation delay like the one provided by the DelayedAlarm: if not set no delay is implemented
The ThresholdWithBackupsAndDelay generates an alarm if the value of the main monitor point (or, if not available, one of the backups) is greater (lower) then the threshold. If a delay is given, the generation or clearing of the alarm is done only after the timeout elapses.
Value parameters
- asceId
: the ID of the ASCE
- asceRunningId:
the runningID of the ASCE
- props:
the user defined properties
- validityTimeFrame:
The time frame (msec) to invalidate monitor points
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The transfer function that generates an alarm is the wind speed is over a threshold and a visual inspection is still pending.
The transfer function that generates an alarm is the wind speed is over a threshold and a visual inspection is still pending.
The inputs of the VisualInspectionAlarm TF are:
- alarm that the wind speed passed the threshold
- date (String) when the last inspection has been done
If the last inspection date is older then the activation date of the alarm, the alarm stays active even if the wind speed drops below the threshold.
To keep this TF generic, the IDs of the inputs are not hardcoded but are retrieved at run time from the types of the inputs.
Value parameters
- cEleId:
The id of the ASCE
- cEleRunningId:
the running ID of the ASCE
- props:
The properties for the executor
- validityTimeFrame:
The time frame (msec) to invalidate monitor points
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
Companion object
Companion object
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type