CalcConversionTime continuosly gets IASIOs from the core topic and evaluate and periodically log the average time spent by the Converter.
The time is calculated by checking the timestamps of the IASIOs. To make calculation more precise (in spite of memory consumption) the process keep in memory all the evaluated times
The tool logs 2 average times:
- total, end to end: from when the plugin pushed the value in the plugin topic to the moment the converter push the IASIO in the core topic
- conversion time: from when the converter takes the value from the plugin topic to the moment the IASIO i spushed in the BSDB
The former takes into account the delay a value remains in the plugin topic before being processed. If it is too long then it is probably the case to deploy another converter.
The latter is pure converter calculation and should never grow substantially.
Value parameters
- servers
Kafka brokers
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait IasioListenerclass SimpleKafkaIasiosConsumertrait StringsConsumerclass Objecttrait Matchableclass AnyShow all
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
Process the IASIOs consumed from the core topic to extract times
Process the IASIOs consumed from the core topic to extract times
- Definition Classes
Logs the average time
Logs the average time
Inherited methods
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKafkaIasiosConsumer
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKafkaIasiosConsumer
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKafkaIasiosConsumer
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKafkaIasiosConsumer
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKafkaIasiosConsumer
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKafkaIasiosConsumer
Concrete fields
The number of sample to calculate the end to end average
The number of sample to calculate the end to end average
The sum of all the total times to convert i.e from the sentToConverterTimestamp to the sentToBsdTimestamp. The sum is needed to calculate the mathematical average of all the sameples whose number is stored in endToEndSamples
The sum of all the total times to convert i.e from the sentToConverterTimestamp to the sentToBsdTimestamp. The sum is needed to calculate the mathematical average of all the sameples whose number is stored in endToEndSamples
The times summed in this accumulator are the time from when the plugin submitted the value to the plugin topic (sentToConvertTStamp) till the moment the converter pushes the IASIO in the core topic
The executor to periodically log the average time
The executor to periodically log the average time
Total number of IASIOs received so far
Total number of IASIOs received so far
Total number of IASIOs received in the past time interval
Total number of IASIOs received in the past time interval
Max time difference between the actual time and the time when a IASIOs has been put in the BSDB (i.e. sentToBsdTStamp) since the begining of the execution
Max time difference between the actual time and the time when a IASIOs has been put in the BSDB (i.e. sentToBsdTStamp) since the begining of the execution
Max time difference between the actual time and the time when a IASIOs has been put in the BSDB (i.e. sentToBsdTStamp) in the past time interval
Max time difference between the actual time and the time when a IASIOs has been put in the BSDB (i.e. sentToBsdTStamp) in the past time interval
The sum of the times spent by the converter converting the IASIOs consumed by the plugin core into IASIOs The sum is needed to alculate the mathematical average of all the sameples whose number is stored in timesOfConverterSamples
The sum of the times spent by the converter converting the IASIOs consumed by the plugin core into IASIOs The sum is needed to alculate the mathematical average of all the sameples whose number is stored in timesOfConverterSamples
The times summed in this accumulatoe are the time between recv from plugin to the sentToBsdbTStamop
The number of sample to calculate the average of the time of the converter
The number of sample to calculate the average of the time of the converter
Inherited fields
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKafkaIasiosConsumer