
See theMinMaxThresholdTF companion object
class MinMaxThresholdTF(cEleId: String, cEleRunningId: String, validityTimeFrame: Long, props: Properties) extends ScalaTransferExecutor[Alarm]

The TF implementing a Min/Max threshold TF (there is also a java implementation for comparison).

The alarm is activated when the alarm is higher then the max threshold or when it is lower then the low threshold.

We could call this alarm a "Non-nominal temperature" because it is equally set if the temperature is too low or is too high but cannot distinguish between the 2 cases.

If we want to distinguish between the 2 cases, we need 2 ASCEs having the same input, one checking for the high value and the other checking for the low value.

To be generic, the value of the properties and that of the IASIO are converted to double.

The value of the Min and Max thresholds are passed as properties:

  • HighON: the (high) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is greater then HighON
  • HighOFF: if the (high) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO goes below HighOFF, then the alarm is deactivated
  • LowOFF: if the (low) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO becomes greater then LowOFF, then the alarm is deactivated
  • LowON: the (low) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is lower then LowON

Value parameters


the ID of the ASCE


the runningID of the ASCE


the user defined properties


The time frame (msec) to invalidate monitor points


class ScalaTransferExecutor[Alarm]
class TransferExecutor
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

override def eval(compInputs: Map[String, IasIO[_]], actualOutput: IasIO[Alarm]): IasIO[Alarm]


See also


Definition Classes
def getValue(props: Properties, propName: String, default: Double): Double

Get the value of a property from the passed properties.

Get the value of a property from the passed properties.

Value parameters


the value to return if the property is not defined in the passed properties


the name of the property


The properties to look for the property with the given name


def initialize(inputsInfo: Set[IasioInfo], outputInfo: IasioInfo): Unit

Initialize the TF by getting the four properties (being the properties lazy, they will be initialized here.

Initialize the TF by getting the four properties (being the properties lazy, they will be initialized here.

This method merely checks if the values of the properties are coherent with the definitions given above.

Value parameters


The IDs and types of the inputs


The Id and type of thr output


def shutdown(): Unit


See also


Inherited methods

final protected def getIdentifier(id: String): String

Value parameters


the id to translate, templated or not



teh identifer translated if the ASCE is templated

Inherited from:
def getTemplateInstance(): Optional[Integer]


Inherited from:
final protected def getValue(inputs: Map[String, IasIO[_]], id: String, instance: Option[Int]): Option[IasIO[_]]

This method transparently returns a value from the passed ID and instance.

This method transparently returns a value from the passed ID and instance.

When an input is not templated, neither a template instance, then its value cabn be directly retrieved from the map of the inputs passed to [#eval]. But if the imput is templated or a templated instance then this method must be used.

If the ASCE is generated out of a template, its inputs can or cannot be generated out of the same template. In the latter, their identifiers must be enriched with the number of the instance of the ASCE. For templated inputs the number of the instance is not needed because it is the same instance number of the ASCE and it is known to the transfer function. The case of templated input instances is different because their instance number is defined in the configuration of the ASCE and not known in the transfer function so it must be esplicity passed by the caller.

For normal and templated inputs, the instance is empty. For templated inputs the instance can be passed if it is teh same of the ASCE. For templated input instances the instance number is required.

This method must be used also to get templated input instances from non templated ASCEs.

Value parameters


The (non templated) identifier of the value


the map of the inputs


the optional instance nummber for templated input instances, not required for other cases



the IASValue of the given ID, or None if not found in the Map

Inherited from:
def isTemplated(): Boolean


Inherited from:
final def setTemplateInstance(x$0: Optional[Integer]): Unit


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val alarmPriority: Priority

The priority of the alarm can be set defining a property; otherwise use the default

The priority of the alarm can be set defining a property; otherwise use the default


lazy val highOff: Double

if the (high) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO goes below HighOFF, then the alarm is deactivated

if the (high) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO goes below HighOFF, then the alarm is deactivated


lazy val highOn: Double

The (high) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is greater then HighON

The (high) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is greater then HighON


lazy val lowOff: Double

if the (low) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO becomes greater then LowOFF, then the alarm is deactivated

if the (low) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO becomes greater then LowOFF, then the alarm is deactivated


lazy val lowOn: Double

the (low) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is lower then LowON

the (low) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is lower then LowON
