Members list
Type members
The publisher of IASValues produced by the DASU in a JSON-like format.
The publisher of IASValues produced by the DASU in a JSON-like format.
The JSON output is composed of records of IASV-n JSON string of the IASValues like IASV1 IASV2 IASV3
The format of a true JSON file is [ IASV1, IASV2, IASV3,...]
The ideal solution would be to let Jackson2 write the array of IASValues passing one item at a time but, browsing the net, it does not seem as easy as I expected.
Value parameters
- filePath
the path of the JSON file to write
- Supertypes
Publishes the output to Kafka queues by delegating to SimpleStringProducer.
Publishes the output to Kafka queues by delegating to SimpleStringProducer.
The id of the IASIO to published is used as key.
Value parameters
- dasuId
te identifier of the DASU
- kafkaProducer
the kafka producer
- props
additional set of properties
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Companion
- class
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The ListenerOutputPublisherImpl publisher forwards the output to the listener as a IASValue or as a String if a string serializer is passed in the constructor.
The ListenerOutputPublisherImpl publisher forwards the output to the listener as a IASValue or as a String if a string serializer is passed in the constructor.
The InOut is converted to a IASValue before being published.
Value parameters
- listener
the listener of events
- stringSerializer
the serializer to convert IASValues to string if None the output is not converted to a string and not sent to OutputListener.outputStringifiedEvent
- Constructor
build a new output publisher that forwards IASIOS to the listener
- Supertypes
The listener of events published by the output publisher
The listener of events published by the output publisher
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
The OutputPublisher publishes the output generated by the DASU.
The OutputPublisher publishes the output generated by the DASU.
The DASU keeps publishing the output even in case of error.
initialize() must be called before the subscriber is ready to publish events. cleanUp() must be called before terminating with the subscriber to let it release all the acquired resources.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes