This class is very similar to the BackupSelector but in case of a failure instead of the main monitor points checks if any of the others is over (or below) the thresholds to generate an alarm.
Monitor points in inputs are assumed to be numeric and for the calculation are all converted to double.
Thresholds are defined in the same way they are defined in the MinMaxThresholdTF.
It is optionally possible to set a activation and deactivation delay like the one provided by the DelayedAlarm: if not set no delay is implemented
The ThresholdWithBackupsAndDelay generates an alarm if the value of the main monitor point (or, if not available, one of the backups) is greater (lower) then the threshold. If a delay is given, the generation or clearing of the alarm is done only after the timeout elapses.
Value parameters
- asceId
: the ID of the ASCE
- asceRunningId:
the runningID of the ASCE
- props:
the user defined properties
- validityTimeFrame:
The time frame (msec) to invalidate monitor points
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
Produces the output of the component by evaluating the inputs.
Produces the output of the component by evaluating the inputs.
- Returns
the computed output of the ASCE
- Definition Classes
Get and return the double in the passed iasio
Get and return the double in the passed iasio
- Returns
the double in the passed iasio, if any
Get the value of the inputs taking into account the validity of the main monitor point or, in case of failure, the values of the backups.
Get the value of the inputs taking into account the validity of the main monitor point or, in case of failure, the values of the backups.
The value is a list composed of the only main monitor point if it is reliable, otherwise the list of the backups to consider, i.e. those that are reliable
Value parameters
- inputs
the inputs
- Returns
the values of the inputs, or empty if no IASIO is valid
Get the value of a property from the passed properties.
Get the value of a property from the passed properties.
Value parameters
- default:
the value to return if the property is not defined in the passed properties
- propName:
the name of the property
- props:
The properties to look for the property with the given name
Initialize the TF
Initialize the TF
Value parameters
- inputsInfo
The IDs and types of the inputs
- outputInfo
The Id and type of thr output
- Definition Classes
Check if the output must be SET or CLEARED because the value of the main input (or one of the backups) is greater than the threshold
Check if the output must be SET or CLEARED because the value of the main input (or one of the backups) is greater than the threshold
Value parameters
- doubleValues
the values of the IASIOs in input
- wasSet
true if the alarm was set
- Returns
true if the alarm must be set
- See also
- Definition Classes
Inherited methods
Value parameters
- id
the id to translate, templated or not
- Returns
teh identifer translated if the ASCE is templated
- Inherited from:
- ScalaTransferExecutor
- Inherited from:
- TransferExecutor
This method transparently returns a value from the passed ID and instance.
This method transparently returns a value from the passed ID and instance.
When an input is not templated, neither a template instance, then its value cabn be directly retrieved from the map of the inputs passed to [#eval]. But if the imput is templated or a templated instance then this method must be used.
If the ASCE is generated out of a template, its inputs can or cannot be generated out of the same template. In the latter, their identifiers must be enriched with the number of the instance of the ASCE. For templated inputs the number of the instance is not needed because it is the same instance number of the ASCE and it is known to the transfer function. The case of templated input instances is different because their instance number is defined in the configuration of the ASCE and not known in the transfer function so it must be esplicity passed by the caller.
For normal and templated inputs, the instance is empty. For templated inputs the instance can be passed if it is teh same of the ASCE. For templated input instances the instance number is required.
This method must be used also to get templated input instances from non templated ASCEs.
Value parameters
- id
The (non templated) identifier of the value
- inputs
the map of the inputs
- instance
the optional instance nummber for templated input instances, not required for other cases
- Returns
the IASValue of the given ID, or None if not found in the Map
- Inherited from:
- ScalaTransferExecutor
- Inherited from:
- TransferExecutor
- Inherited from:
- TransferExecutor
Concrete fields
The priority to SET
The priority to SET
Delay to clear the alarm (msecs)
Delay to clear the alarm (msecs)
Delay to set the alarm (msecs)
Delay to set the alarm (msecs)
if the (high) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO goes below HighOFF, then the alarm is deactivated
if the (high) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO goes below HighOFF, then the alarm is deactivated
The (high) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is greater then HighON
The (high) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is greater then HighON
The Ids of the main IASIOs against the backups
The Ids of the main IASIOs against the backups
if the (low) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO becomes greater then LowOFF, then the alarm is deactivated
if the (low) alarm is active and the value of the IASIO becomes greater then LowOFF, then the alarm is deactivated
the (low) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is lower then LowON
the (low) alarm is activated when the value of the IASIO is lower then LowON