The implementation of the DASU.
A DASU normally has 2 threads running:
- the automatic sending of the output when no new input arrives or the output did not change
- a thread for the throttling to avoid that processing too many inputs takes 100% CPU
Value parameters
- autoSendTimeInterval
the time (seconds) to automatically resend the last calculated
- dasuDao
The CDB configuration of the DASU
- dasuIdentifier
the identifier of the DASU
- inputSubscriber
the subscriber getting events to be processed
- outputPublisher
the publisher to send the output
- validityThreshold
the max delay (secs) before declaring an input unreliable
- Companion
- object
- Graph
- Supertypes
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
ACK the alarm if the ASCE that produces it runs in this DASU.
ACK the alarm if the ASCE that produces it runs in this DASU.
The DASU delegates the acknowledgment to the ASCE that produces the alarm.
This function checks if the id of the DASU in the alarm identifier matches with its own identifier and if the ASCE (again from the Identifier of the alarm) is actually running in this DASU before forwarding the ack to the ASCE.
Value parameters
- alarmIdentifier
the identifier of the alarm to ACK
- Returns
true if the alarm has been ACKed, false otherwise
- See also
- Definition Classes
Calculate the validity of the output depending on its last update time. The DASU consider that the IASIO is valid if it has been generated resh validityThreshold milliseconds before.
Calculate the validity of the output depending on its last update time. The DASU consider that the IASIO is valid if it has been generated resh validityThreshold milliseconds before.
Release all the resources before exiting
Enable/disable the automatic update of the output in case no new inputs arrive.
Enable/disable the automatic update of the output in case no new inputs arrive.
Most likely, the value of the output remains the same while the validity could change.
- Returns
the IDs of the ASCEs running in the DASU
- Returns
the IDs of the inputs of the DASU
- Returns
the IDs of the of the inputs of the ASCE with the given ID
New inputs have been received from the BSDB.
New inputs have been received from the BSDB.
This method is not invoked while automatically re-sending the last computed value. Such value is in fact stored into lastSentOutput and does not trigger a recalculation by the DASU.
Value parameters
- iasios
the inputs received
- See also
- Definition Classes
Check if the new output must be sent to the BSDB i.e if its mode or value or validity has changed
Check if the new output must be sent to the BSDB i.e if its mode or value or validity has changed
Value parameters
- newOutput
the new output
- newValidity
the new validity
- oldOutput
the last output sent to the BSDB
- oldValidity
the last validity sent to the BSDB
- Returns
true if the new output changed from the last sent output and must be sent to the BSDB and false otherwise
Start getting events from the inputs subscriber to produce the output
Start getting events from the inputs subscriber to produce the output
Concrete fields
The configuration of the ASCEs that run in the DASU
The configuration of the ASCEs that run in the DASU
The ASCE that produces the output
The ASCE that produces the output
The task that timely send the last computed output when no new inputs arrived: initially disabled, must be enabled invoking enableAutoRefreshOfOutput.
The task that timely send the last computed output when no new inputs arrived: initially disabled, must be enabled invoking enableAutoRefreshOfOutput.
If a new output is generated before this time interval elapses, this task is delayed of the duration of autoSendTimeInterval msecs.
Closed: the DASU does not process inputs
Closed: the DASU does not process inputs
The Runnable to update the output when it is delayed by the throttling
The Runnable to update the output when it is delayed by the throttling
The fullRuning Ids of the received inputs
The fullRuning Ids of the received inputs
This map must be taken synchronized because it is accessed by several threads
The last calculated output by ASCEs
The last calculated output by ASCEs
The last sent output and validity this is sent again if no new inputs arrives and the autoSendTimerTask is running and the validity did not change since the last sending
The last sent output and validity this is sent again if no new inputs arrives and the autoSendTimerTask is running and the validity did not change since the last sending
The point in time when the output has been sent to the BSDB either due to new inputs or auto-refresh
The point in time when the output has been sent to the BSDB either due to new inputs or auto-refresh
It is better to initialize at the actual timestamp for the calculation of the throttling in inputsReceived
The point in time of the last time when the output has been generated and published
The point in time of the last time when the output has been generated and published
Values that have been received in input from plugins or other DASUs (BSDB) and not yet processed by the ASCEs
Values that have been received in input from plugins or other DASUs (BSDB) and not yet processed by the ASCEs
This map must be taken synchronized because it is accessed by several threads
The thread executor service
The thread executor service
True if the DASU has been started
True if the DASU has been started
The generator of statistics
The generator of statistics
The task to delay the generation the output when new inputs must be processed
The task to delay the generation the output when new inputs must be processed
True if the automatic re-sending of the output has been enabled
True if the automatic re-sending of the output has been enabled
Inherited fields
Auto send time interval in milliseconds
True if the DASU has been generated from a template, False otherwise
True if the DASU has been generated from a template, False otherwise
- Inherited from:
- Dasu
The number of the instance if the DASU has been generated from a template; empty otherwise
The number of the instance if the DASU has been generated from a template; empty otherwise
- Inherited from:
- Dasu
The minimum allowed refresh rate when a flow of inputs arrive (i.e. the throttiling) is given by Dasu.DefaultMinAllowedRefreshRate, if not overridden by a java property
The minimum allowed refresh rate when a flow of inputs arrive (i.e. the throttiling) is given by Dasu.DefaultMinAllowedRefreshRate, if not overridden by a java property
- Inherited from:
- Dasu
The validityThreshold in milliseconds