Members list
Type members
The view of an ASCE based on its IASIOs in input and the generated output.
The view of an ASCE based on its IASIOs in input and the generated output.
Value parameters
- id
the identifier of the ASCE
- inputsIds
the identifier of the IASIOs in input
- outputId
the identifier of the IASIO produced by the ASCE
- Constructor
build the ACSE view for topology
- Supertypes
CyclesFinder provides a method to look for cycles generated by producers (i.e. the ASCEs running in a DASU or the DASUs running in the IAS)
CyclesFinder provides a method to look for cycles generated by producers (i.e. the ASCEs running in a DASU or the DASUs running in the IAS)
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
The topology to forward IASIOs to ASCEs.
The topology to forward IASIOs to ASCEs.
Objects of this class contains all information to move IASIOs (either coming from outside or produced by ACSEs) to ASCEs of the DASU and to the outside.
The topology is composed of trees of nodes. Each IASIO in input is the root of a tree i.e. the topology contains as many trees as IASIOs in input.
Each node of a tree can be a IASIO or a ASCE. A node is connected to another if:
- an IASIO is the input of a ASCE
- the output of a ASCE is the input of another ASCE
The inputs to the DASU are calculated from the inputs of the ASCEs running into the DASU.
The topology provides information to the DASU on how and when move IASIOs from the input to the ASCEs and from there to the outside.
The Topology is immutable.
Value parameters
- asces
the ASCEs contained in the DASU
- id
the identifier of the DASU
- outputId
the output generated by the DASU
- Constructor
build a topology from the passed inputs and ASCEs
- Supertypes
The topology of the IAS, composed of the Supervisor to run.
The topology of the IAS, composed of the Supervisor to run.
This class is used to check if the graph of the nodes is a-cyclic.
Value parameters
- dasus
The DASUs to run in all the supervisors
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
The trait that defines a producer of an output.
The trait that defines a producer of an output.
ASCEs and DASUs are producer: they have a set of inputs and produce the output even if in different ways:
- the ASCE by the applying the transfer function
- DASU by propagating the inputs to the ASCEs
To check if there are cycles, CyclesFinder build all the possible paths from the inputs to the output collecting at each step, the output already produced.
A cycle is found if a producer generates an output that has already been produced.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Known subtypes
class AsceTopologyclass DasuTopology
The topology of the Supervisor contains the DASUs instantiated in the Supervisor and can be used by the Supervisor to move the inputs to the DASUs
The topology of the Supervisor contains the DASUs instantiated in the Supervisor and can be used by the Supervisor to move the inputs to the DASUs
Value parameters
- dasuTopology:
the DASUs deployed in the Supervisor
- supervId:
the identifier of the Supervisor
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
TemplateHelper is a collection of helper methods to transformi DASUs, ASCEs and IASIOs defined by templates into concrete instances.
TemplateHelper is a collection of helper methods to transformi DASUs, ASCEs and IASIOs defined by templates into concrete instances.
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type