All Classes and Interfaces
represents an alarm generated by a remote monitored system.The state and state machine of an Alarm
The pojo for the ASCE
AverageBySamples produces a new Double value by applying the
arithmetic average of the samples.
AverageByTime produces a new Double value by applying the
arithmetic average of the samples received in the specified time
Base class for the publishers that write strings (with different format)
on a file.
is an implementation of MonitorPointSender
for testing the BufferedPublisherBase
: monitor points are sent to the
listener.The interface to be notified about events happening in the
.The data structure encapsulating monitor point values
and alarm retrieved from a monitored system and to be sent to the IAS core.
for publishing data to the IAS core with buffering.A cache of IasioDao for the
.The helper to interact with cassandra.
An helper to send commands to cassandra
An interface to get the name of a file of the CDB
independently of the adopted implementation.
The structure of the folders and the names of the files
of the CDB are described in the
CDB wiki:
Interface to read data from the configuration database.
The factory to get the CdbReader implementation to use.
Interface to flush the content of the CDB pojos
in the configuration database
Life cycle:
must be called to acquire the resources before invoking methods of this ineterface
must be invoked to free the allocated resource when done using this interface
The interface for the listener of changes in a monitored value.
The pojo with the configuration of a IAS client
The configuration is passed as a string.
The execution status of a command
The interface of the listener of commands received from
the command topic
The data structure that the listener returns to the
The CommandManager base class for command executors subscribes as a consumer of the command topic and
as a producer of the reply topic.
is the command executor that subscribes as a consumer of the kafka command topic
to get commands and as producer of the kafka reply topic to publish replies
Its task is to receive the commands on behalf of the process where it runs, discarding the commands targeted to
other processes.The java POJO representing a command to be published in the command kafka topic
This POJO is serialized into a JSON string to be published in the
kafka topic
Objects of this class send commands and optionally wait for the reply through the kafka topics.
Interface to serialize/deserializer the
to/from stringsThe commands supported by the core
Base class for the implementers of the
.The exception returned by the configuration
The tool to convert raw monitor point values and alarms
coming from plugins into IAS data type to be processed by the core.
The kafka stream used by the converter to get JSON strings
from the plugins and sends JSON strings to the core of the IAS.
The interface to stream the strings received
from the plugin (i.e.
The exception returned by the converter stream.
The pojo for a DASU
The DAO with the DASU to be deployed
in a Supervisor.
provides a default implementation
of the commands defined in CommandType
.Collects detailed statistics about updated of monitor point values.
A publisher that dumps messages in the passed writer.
The interface defining filter to apply to a monitored value
before sending to the IAS core.
The sample enriched with a flag to know if it has
been generate before the refreshRate elapsed.
The basic class for the filters.
FilteredKafkaIasiosConsumer allows to set a custom filter on top of the Kafka consumer.
The filter to apply to IASValues
The value returned after applying the filter.
The exception returned by filtering
The factory of filters.
The a java pojo with the heartbeat message.
The type of the producer of a Heartbeat
Such type includes plugins, converters, Supervisor, clients...
The message sent by the heartbeat reporting the status
of the tool.
The exception type returned by the CDB.
Global configuration for the IAS
The DAO interface to get the configuration of the DAO.
The pojo for the IASIO
The java countr part of the scala IasIO, that is
the view of an InOut for the TF
IasIOJ exposes only the InOut's methods that can be
invoked by the TF hiding the methods meant for the
internals of the IAS.
Java pojo with the configuration of the IASMonitor tool
The type of IASIOs.
Java representation of the IAS types.
The view of a heterogeneous inputs in the java code and in the BSDB.
A java pojo to serialize/deserialize
to/from JSON stringsThe exception returned serializing/deserializing
objects to strings.The types of an identifier of an IASIO.
The JavaTransferExecutor provides the interface
for java implementators of the transfer function
as java data structs differ from scala ones.
Pojos for JSON that replaces objects inclusion in the ASCE with their IDS.
Pojo for JSON that replaces object inclusion with their IDS.
The DASU to deploy to replace the reference to the DASU
ant the template with their IDs
A publisher that dumps JSON messages in the passed writer.
JsonSupervisorDao encapsulate a
to replaces its set of DASUs with a set of IDs.Templated inputs of the ASCE
These are the inputs that belongs to a different template
of that of the ASCE for which we need to specify the instance
(@see #124)
A helper class providing useful methods and constants for Kafka
providing filtering by IDs and types.KafkaIasioProducer writes
in the kafka topic by delegating to SimpleStringProducer
The publisher of monitor point values through Kafka.
The configuration of kafka sink conenctor to monitor
These kind of connectors do not pubish HBs and must be
monitored with the REST API provided by kafka
A generic kafka consumer that forwards all the strings received in
each message to the listener.
The start position when connecting to a kafka topic
for reading strings
The interface for the listener of strings
Exception retunrd by classes in KafkaUtils module
is an implementation of MonitorPointSender
for testing the BufferedPublisherBase
: monitor points are sent to the
listener.The interface to be notified about events happening in the
.The hibernate mapping for the log level
(as defined by the minimum set of log levels recognized by the system
according to slf4j).
The Kafka connector for the LTDB
The task run by the kafka connector for the LTDB.
The message sent from the remote client to the
networked plugin
The TF implementing a Min/Max threshold TF (there is also
a scala implementation for comparison).
An enumerated with all the alarms generated by the Monitor tool.
A MonitoredValue is a monitor point value or alarm read from the
controlled system.
The configuration of the monitor point as read from the configuration database.
A java POJO representing a monitor point or alarm
to be sent to the IAS.
A java POJO representing a monitor point or alarm
to be sent to the IAS in a buffered way.
defines the interface
to send monitor point values and alarms to the IAS core.The statistics provided by the sender in the last time interval.
Default implementation of a filter: it does nothing but returning
the value of the last acquired sample
The array of numbers is backed by a
of Numbers.The supported types of array
The operational mode of a monitor point value
The main class to write IAS plugins.
The java pojo with the plugin configuration.
The exception returned to notify problems with the
configuration of a Plugin
Read the plugin configuration from a JSON file.
Plugin configuration DAO.
The exception returned by the Plugin
The configuration of the plugin read from a JSON file differs from the provided in the CDB.
The thread factory for the plugin.
The priorities of the alarms
The priorities are defined from the lowest to the highest
so that the highest priority has also the greater ordinal number
The property in the form of <name, value>
Base class for publishing data to the core of the IAS:
received monitor points are queued to be sent when
the time interval (
) elapses or
the max allowed size of the buffer has been reached
The exception returned by the Publisher
Execution of TF in python is orchestrated by objects of this class:
when there is a python TF, this transfer function implementation is executed:
PythonExecutorTF delegates method execution to the python code through jep.
The mapper of monitor points ID to concrete ID in case
the plugin is replicated.
An helper class to easily consume replies from the kafka reply topic.
The listener of replies
The java POJO to send replies over the kafka topic.
Interface to serialize/deserializer the
to/from stringsA sample of the value read from the remote system.
KafkaIasiosConsumer gets the strings from the passed IASIO kafka topic
from the
and forwards the IASIOs to the listener.The listener to be notified of Iasios read
from the kafka topic.
Generic Kafka consumer to get strings from a kafka topic.
The listener to be notified of strings read
from the kafka topic.
SimpleStringProducer pushes strings on a Kafka topic.
The type of the sound to play when
a alarm becomes set
Collects and publishes detailed statistics.
Th eexception generated when marshalling or unmarshalling commands
and replies to and from strings.
The Supervisor is the container of DASUs
needed to run more then one DASU in the same java process.
The DAO for the template needed to support replication
of identical devices.
The instance of an IASIO.
Formatted text file supported by the CDB
The programming language supported by the TF.
TransferExecutor is the abstract for the
implementators of the transfer function in java.
The DAO to handle the definition of the transfer function.
A plugin that gets monitor points and alarms
from a UDP socket.
The value of a monitor point or alarm of plugin
read from the monitored system.
The function to convert a string received from a plugin
The value to send to the core of the IAS.
The WebServerSender gets IASValues from the copre kafka topic and forwards
them to the web server through websockets.
The interface of the listener to be notified of Strings received
by the WebServer sender.