Class MonitorPointSender.SenderStats

Enclosing interface:

public static class MonitorPointSender.SenderStats extends Object
The statistics provided by the sender in the last time interval.
  • Field Details

    • numOfMessagesSent

      public final long numOfMessagesSent
      The number of messages sent to the core of the IAS.

      If messages are buffered, this number will probably be less then the number of monitor point values sent (numOfMonitorPointValuesSent).

    • numOfMonitorPointValuesSent

      public final long numOfMonitorPointValuesSent
      The number of monitor point values sent to the core of the IAS.
      See Also:
    • numOfMonitorPointValuesSubmitted

      public final long numOfMonitorPointValuesSubmitted
      The number of monitor point values submitted to the publisher.

      The number of monitor points offered to the publisher for sending in MonitorPointSender.offer(ValueToSend)
      To reduce the network traffic and prevent misbehaving plugins from flooding the network, the publisher can send less monitor point values then those submitted (for example sending only the last value between all offered in the throttling interval).

      See Also:
    • numOfBytesSent

      public final long numOfBytesSent
      The number of bytes sent to the core of the IAS

      This is the total number of bytes, including header informations and so on.

    • numOfErrorsPublishing

      public final long numOfErrorsPublishing
      The number of errors publishing monitor point values to the core of the IAS
  • Constructor Details

    • SenderStats

      public SenderStats(long numOfMessagesSent, long numOfMonitorPointValuesSent, long numOfMonitorPointValuesSubmitted, long numOfBytesSent, long numOfErrorsPublishing)
      numOfMessagesSent - The number of messages sent in the last time interval
      numOfMonitorPointValuesSent - The number of monitor point values sent in the last time interval
      numOfMonitorPointValuesSubmitted - : The number of monitor point values submitted in the last time interval
      numOfBytesSent - The number of bytes sent in the last time interval
      numOfErrorsPublishing - The number of errors reported while publishing