Class CommandListener.CmdExecutionResult

Enclosing interface:

public static class CommandListener.CmdExecutionResult extends Object
The data structure that the listener returns to the CommandManager
  • Field Details

    • status

      public final CommandExitStatus status
      The execution status of the command
    • properties

      public final Optional<Map<String,String>> properties
      Additional properties, if any
    • mustRestart

      public final boolean mustRestart
      Set if the the manager must restart the process Only one between mustRestart and mustShutdown can be set at the same time
    • mustShutdown

      public final boolean mustShutdown
      Set if the the manager must shut the process down Only one between mustRestart and mustShutdown can be set at the same time
  • Constructor Details

    • CmdExecutionResult

      public CmdExecutionResult(CommandExitStatus status, Map<String,String> props, boolean mustShutdown, boolean mustRestart)
      Constructor. Only one between mustRestart and mustShutdown can be set at the same time
      status - The exit status of the command
      props - The map of propertis, if any
      mustRestart - Set if the the manager must restart the process
      mustShutdown - Set if the the manager must shut the process down
    • CmdExecutionResult

      public CmdExecutionResult(CommandExitStatus status)
      Constructor with no properties when no stratup and no shutdown is required
      status - The exit status of the command