Class SupervisorDao


@Entity public class SupervisorDao extends Object
The Supervisor is the container of DASUs needed to run more then one DASU in the same java process. If we do not want this feature we can get rid of the Supervisor by moving its properties into the DASU pojo.
  • Constructor Details

    • SupervisorDao

      public SupervisorDao()
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
    • setId

      public void setId(String id)
    • getHostName

      public String getHostName()
    • setHostName

      public void setHostName(String host)
    • getLogLevel

      public LogLevelDao getLogLevel()
    • setLogLevel

      public void setLogLevel(LogLevelDao logLevel)
    • addDasuToDeploy

      public void addDasuToDeploy(DasuToDeployDao dtd)
      Puts the passed DASU in the list of tDASUs that run in this supervisor
      dtd - The DASU to deploy to add
    • removeDasu

      public void removeDasu(DasuToDeployDao dtd)
      Remove the passed DASU from the set of DASUs to deploy
      dtd - The DASU to deploy to remove
    • removeDasu

      public void removeDasu(String dasuId)
      Remove the passed DASU with the given ID from the set of DASUs to deploy
      dasuId - The ID of the DASU to deploy to remove
    • containsDasu

      public boolean containsDasu(String id)
      Check if a DASU with the given key is already in the list
      id - The ID of the DASU to check
      true if the the Supervisor contains the DASU with the give id, false otherwise
    • getDasusIDs

      public Set<String> getDasusIDs()
      The IDs of all the DASUSs of this supervisor
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString() prints a human readable version of the DASU where linked objects (like ASCES) are represented by their IDs only.
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals check the equality of the member of this object against the one passed in the command line but the checking of included DASUs is limited to their IDs.
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode is based on the unique ID only.
      hashCode in class Object
      See Also:
    • getDasusToDeploy

      public Set<DasuToDeployDao> getDasusToDeploy()
    • setDasusToDeploy

      public void setDasusToDeploy(Set<DasuToDeployDao> dasusToDeploy)