Class CommandManagerKafkaImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, SimpleStringConsumer.KafkaConsumerListener

public class CommandManagerKafkaImpl extends CommandManager implements SimpleStringConsumer.KafkaConsumerListener, Runnable
The CommandManagerKafkaImpl is the command executor that subscribes as a consumer of the kafka command topic to get commands and as producer of the kafka reply topic to publish replies Its task is to receive the commands on behalf of the process where it runs, discarding the commands targeted to other processes. Commands are forwarded to the listener for execution and the replies published in the reply topic. SHUTDOWN and RESTART must be executed by the CommandManager because a reply must be sent before shutting down however the lister is invoked to run customized code. Commands are executed in a dedicated thread in FIFO order. Received commands are queued and discarded when the queue is full as we do not expect many commands.
  • Field Details


      public static final int LENGTH_OF_CMD_QUEUE
      Max number of commands in the queue waiting to be processed. Commands arriving when the queue is full are rejected
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandManagerKafkaImpl

      public CommandManagerKafkaImpl(String id, String servers, SimpleStringProducer repliesProducer)
      id - the id of the process
      servers - The servers to connect to
      repliesProducer - The producer of replies in the rpely topic
  • Method Details

    • start

      public void start(CommandListener commandListener, AutoCloseable closeable) throws KafkaUtilsException
      Start getting events from the command topic and send them to the passed listener. The listener is usually an instance of DefaultCommandExecutor or an object extending DefaultCommandExecutor to customize the commands
      Specified by:
      start in class CommandManager
      commandListener - The listener of commands that execute all the commands
      closeable - The closeable class to free the resources while exiting/restating
    • close

      public void close()
      Close the producer and the consumer and release all the allocated resources.
      Specified by:
      close in class CommandManager
    • stringEventReceived

      public void stringEventReceived(String event)
      Get the JSON strings representing commands. The string is converted into a CommandMessage and pushed in the cmdsToProcess queue only if the destination of the command has the same ID of the manager. Another thread, (run(), is in charge of poling commands from the queue and send them to the lister for execution.
      Specified by:
      stringEventReceived in interface SimpleStringConsumer.KafkaConsumerListener
      event - The string received in the topic
    • run

      public void run()
      Fetch commands from the queue and sends them to the lister for execution. The return code and properties provided by the listener are packed into the reply before being sent to the reply topic. This method catches the case fo an error from the lister implementation of the command and pushes a reply with an ERROR return code in the reply topic. Note: the only commands that are directly executed by this method are SHUTDOWN and RESTART because in these cases the reply must be sent before before shutting down the process.
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable