Package org.eso.ias.cdb.pojos

package org.eso.ias.cdb.pojos
This package contains the POJOs for hibernate
  • Class
    The pojo for the ASCE
    The pojo with the configuration of a IAS client The configuration is passed as a string.
    The pojo for a DASU
    The DAO with the DASU to be deployed in a Supervisor.
    Global configuration for the IAS
    The pojo for the IASIO
    The type of IASIOs.
    The hibernate mapping for the log level (as defined by the minimum set of log levels recognized by the system according to slf4j).
    The java pojo with the plugin configuration.
    The property in the form of <name, value>
    The type of the sound to play when a alarm becomes set
    The Supervisor is the container of DASUs needed to run more then one DASU in the same java process.
    The DAO for the template needed to support replication of identical devices.
    The instance of an IASIO.
    The programming language supported by the TF.
    The DAO to handle the definition of the transfer function.
    The value of a monitor point or alarm of plugin read from the monitored system.